Saturday, March 21, 2009

How bout that take forever to post something new?

It has undoubtedly been a long time since I posted anything. I really have no excuse. I mean, I guess it's something to be proud of that I haven't had time to sit on my ass and type out the events of my life as they happen, but then again, how have I utilized my time otherwise?

Well I am elated that you asked.

Recovering from the back surgery that I had on January 15th 2000 and 9, has been an easy but timely ordeal. Since then I have started working for a DJ Service by the name of Music Connection. I really can't complain about it either, I love it. My boss is the coolest guy ever.

Note: When you can text your boss, you know you have a cool job.

And like I said, I can't hate it. Which brings me to my newest catch phrase for now. "You can't hate it, you cannot hate it...", which you really have to hear to get the full effect.

Anyway, it's a pretty easy going job. I get to listen to music for hours on end, the only problematic part is the heavy equipment, which in a few months won't be a problem. And it's not bad money by any means. The age groups at the gigs I have gone on so far have been comprised of 7-14 year old kids. But it's fun to see them interact and think back to when I was young, and it's also fun to have young girls come up and complement you on you're piercings and hair. How bout that jail bait!

I have another job opportunity on the horizon, which I start shortly, and will be very lucrative.

I have more to update all you 5 people who read this on. But for now this will be just a taste, If you are really interested, and since he did all the work for me already, check out my friends blog "Tales of a Regular Guy". He and I, he being Mike, embarked on a journey to Tampa Florida, where we stayed for a week. It was quite a time......