Saturday, March 21, 2009

How bout that take forever to post something new?

It has undoubtedly been a long time since I posted anything. I really have no excuse. I mean, I guess it's something to be proud of that I haven't had time to sit on my ass and type out the events of my life as they happen, but then again, how have I utilized my time otherwise?

Well I am elated that you asked.

Recovering from the back surgery that I had on January 15th 2000 and 9, has been an easy but timely ordeal. Since then I have started working for a DJ Service by the name of Music Connection. I really can't complain about it either, I love it. My boss is the coolest guy ever.

Note: When you can text your boss, you know you have a cool job.

And like I said, I can't hate it. Which brings me to my newest catch phrase for now. "You can't hate it, you cannot hate it...", which you really have to hear to get the full effect.

Anyway, it's a pretty easy going job. I get to listen to music for hours on end, the only problematic part is the heavy equipment, which in a few months won't be a problem. And it's not bad money by any means. The age groups at the gigs I have gone on so far have been comprised of 7-14 year old kids. But it's fun to see them interact and think back to when I was young, and it's also fun to have young girls come up and complement you on you're piercings and hair. How bout that jail bait!

I have another job opportunity on the horizon, which I start shortly, and will be very lucrative.

I have more to update all you 5 people who read this on. But for now this will be just a taste, If you are really interested, and since he did all the work for me already, check out my friends blog "Tales of a Regular Guy". He and I, he being Mike, embarked on a journey to Tampa Florida, where we stayed for a week. It was quite a time......

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A New Hope

Okay first off let me go ahead and agree with Mike that my last post's title...made no sense. I of course meant "It Won't Be the Last". But whatever, I could even go back and change it, but the point got across as intended, so I won't. And it was also wrong because I've been getting to sleep quite easily recently. Everything has been put into perspective for me, and where as happiness was not even in sight before, it's has entered the cross hairs (spelling? i really could give a fuck less). Music really is an amazing way to heal wounds faster. As much as you try yourself to make sense of a situation, there's bound to be someone in the world who has already written it down for you, put music to it and recorded it.

And if that does not help you enough there is always realization that you really didn't give a fuck as much as you thought. You always want what you can't have, regardless of the fact that it's most likely no good for you.

And another meaning for the title is blink 182 is reuniting at the Grammy's tomorrow night...I'm elated.

Monday, February 2, 2009

3:12am - Cannot Sleep Blog (It Won't Be The First)

As the title states, it is currently 3:12 a.m. and I can't for the life of me get to sleep. It's been a reoccurring problem for a little over a week now. I am so very much tempted to take some of the left over pain medication I have to try and aid this problem, but I'd really rather not. It's funny to me in my particular situation how you can go all day without it being a problem, but as soon as the time you want to sleep rolls around, you can't stop your mind from racing. And in particular, thoughts of things I'd really rather not think of. I just frustrating. It was the super bowl about 5 hours ago, the Pittsburgh Steelers won. I've been to Pittsburgh once.

I was contemplating a lot of song lyrics as I was lying on my back in my bed staring at the sealing. (No that's not part of any, but I can't really turn it off). Anyway, I was just skirting the issue of the emotion we call love. Not for any reason in particular....well not for any reason I am willing to share at this time.

Random thought: there are a lot of cars driving up and down Route 82 at 3:20 in the morning, just something I observed from my window, as it faces the street.

Anyway, yeah, love.... Well love is such a tricky emotion. I was thinking about it long and hard, which if you haven't done lately or ever, that might be where you are going wrong. Love to me isn't just an's an Omni-motion. Love is the only emotion that could make you feel every other emotion possible, and some even at the same time. Love can make you happy, of course, but love can make you sad, it can make you angry, worried, scared, excited. Love can even make you Hate... Now for most human beings reading this, trust me, I DO REALIZE that I did not just "split the atom" by stating these thoughts on love, they are just my thoughts that someone else MAY have had, only difference is that I now write my thoughts in a blog.

So no, I don't see myself to be an expert on the topic of love, far from it, because that person doesn't exist. And if he or she does God bless them, because I wouldn't want that achievement. Nope, I'd rather play it cool and figure it out along the way. And I'm not even talking about love between two people, I'm purely speaking in generalities here. I love lamp.

Ah yeah, and the lyrical writing, well I'm not so sure on what I have floating in my head this moment. Not nearly enough for me to share with anyone just yet. But looking back on all the lyrics and poems and mushy stuff I've written, I have realized that I wrote a lot of worthless crap that should have never been put to music or played on stage in front of an audience. But such is life, you live in the moment, and you regret it later. The past is the past.

Speaking of the past, I found some amusing memorbilia from the band I was in, (unlikely heroes). One such piece was a biography I wrote for us that I was planning on sending to A&R reps along with a demo to try and get us signed.
(the usual "I'm in a band" crap....yanno stuff that if you were at a public place, say a party, and some douche bag who was in a local band was there, he would probably say it JUST loud enough for people to hear to make it seem like he was important or cool or new the whole jargin of the music business....pitiful)
But I noticed a little gem I wrote at the bottom of the page, that was there for really no apparent reason. It was a statement I made up in regards to "the future of the band". And it goes something like this....

People often wonder what the future holds for them. This train of thought leaves an impression of a lack of control. For me, the future holds nothing, because I hold the future, in the palm of my hand.

With this, it would make more sense to say at my fingertips, for I have decided to revert to a few old habits and use the spare time I have to see what I come up with.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's a wonder how me or Mike didn't write this song ourselves....

Percocets, Cigarettes, Naked Eyes, and Me

Okay this post will be the first one pertaining to my actual thoughts.

At this moment I am fighting off the urge to take pain pills. Now for my closest of friends it is no surprise that I have recently had a back condition, ultimately leading to back surgery, which is going on two weeks ago. They prescribed me Percocets while I had the back pain, all the while explaining to me that it was a Narcotic pain killer. That never really seemed to click in my head until recently. Basically it means that there is a withdrawal process that follows after you're all done taking the medication. Now for all my crack addicted friends, who have reformed themselves from their addiction, you know that withdrawal is a painful thing to go through. In my case it's not as much painful as it is just annoying, you feel anxious and trapped. It doesn't help that there is a few feet of fresh snow on the ground, my car is covered, and I have nowhere to go. Basically...i've been chewing a lot of gum, and smoking a hell of a lot more. In the past few weeks a few things going through my mind, let's just say dwelling on the past, have led me to enter a small state of depression. Aaaand let's also just say I have not been in physcial pain since the surgery, but for some dumbass reason, my mind decided it's bored enough to fuck with me emotionally, and to add to the equation, percocets make you feel good. Do the math.

For all my dearest friends, have no worries, I'm working on it. I'll quote my fourth grade teacher "Thomas has too much potential to fuck up his life with drugs"
Okay she didn't really say that, but it's something I and many believe.

Another addiction I am fighting, which as I said before is helping me fight of the urge to perc it up, is smoking. It really is a gross habit, and I am not too fond of it. I will say that these two addictions have helped a little, in that, when you combine mass doses of percocets and chain smoking, you virtually have no appetite, so I've dropped some pounds. But until I fight off the narcotic demon known as percocets, I'm stuck with the good ole' tobacca' sticks ( I know i spelled it wrong) BUT I am determined to quit

Something vague that I've wanted to get out for a while:
Define bad luck... the story of my life circa August '08 to January '09

1. Buy a nice car with money I HAVE because of the many hours I put in at my job
2.Celebrate my three year anniversary
3.Lose my job
4.Girlfriend dumps me
5.The day following the break up, I move to her city, not because I'm a stalker, because It was a plan set in motion months prior
6.Injure my back slightly
7.Find a new job!
8.Majorly injure my back after ONE day of working at new job
9.Can't work OTHER job either because of back
10. Back surgery Jan. 15th 2009

Random thoughts:

the dumbest things will remind you of something you wish to forget

Example :
chewing gum (the scent, remisincent of someone i used to know who chewed the same kind, why i bought it? My masochistic ways present themselves I guess)

Also, you're mind does tend you play tricks on you, but in my case, it's kicking my ass
There is no fucking possible way that out of the 12 to 15 regular channels on TV I watch, that every fucking one could have something to remind me.

Oh shit, now I have that 80s song stuck in my head.

The First of Many.... Just Like You

Playing right now is Constant Static by New Found Glory from my Myspace page, I can also hear King of Queens on in the other room. Blogs aren't a new concept for me, but actually utilizing one is. It's a little overwhelming, because you're mind is constantly racing with thoughts that you need to get out, that you want to convey to the world! But on the contrary it's also frustrating, because a good percentage of the time it won't come out, be it because you don't actually WANT to share you're thoughts, or because you are having a moment of mental block. Well mine is the latter, I know I have a lot on my mind that I wish to share, but it's tough to get it all out now, so I guess this will have to be a gradual process. So if you so choose to read, than you will slowly hear about my thoughts as the posts go on. Be intrigued......I implore you, I beseech you, I give you, "The Introspection of Tom".

I hear my phone going off right now in the other room, the good thing about that is I know it's not a creditor, because all of that shit is paid up, so I wonder who it could be. I'm going to go check it out.